Hosting Infrastructure

service overview

proxy portainer certificate heimdall inventory

Supervisor overview

Lenovo Thinkcenters are used as hardware for hosting various applications. For management, Proxmox is installed on all of them as supervisor.

As a base OS for VM’s, Ubuntu is the common choice.

Builders in Dahlewitz 1

Machine name





User build machine in Dahlewitz


Azure pipeline runner in Dahlewitz


Not used


Not used

VM Overview

VMs in buildmachine001

VM name




SSH Remotesessions

SSH Jump host for “local” development in Dahlewitz

Pipelineagent Dahlewitz (Enpal)

Dahlewitz Enpal azure runner
Dahlewitz Energycloud azure runner

Remote development

Some tasks require a low latency for execution such as modbus development. By connecting to a builder which is located at the same location the latency of the VPN and internet can be reduced.

Each user has an own account set up on this machine, which can then be used to open a remote connection via SSH.

Setting up a new builder

Normally, docker is set up in a “rootfull” setup, which means the docker daemon gets executed with root privileges and only once. Users then can get added to the “docker” group, which allows them to use docker as usual.

Since usage is easy, the downside is (beside other security aspects) that all users share the same docker daemon, which means when one user runs a container, and another user prunes the system, the container for the first user will crash. It is not easily possible to ensure non-interfering between users with only one docker daemon. As a solution, rootless-docker can be used (Rootless mode), where each user runs and uses an own docker-daemon. That way, the docker environments are completely encapsulated for the user.

  1. Disable rootfull docker

    1systemctl disable docker.service docker.socket --now
  2. Install required package(s)

    1sudo apt update && sudo apt install uidmap -y
  3. Reboot the machine

  4. Docker does not work anymore, you will not be able to start containers.

    This is to be expected. Go to the next section.

Creating a new User

Each user needs a separate setup once. Steps were only tested in BASH.

  1. Optional: Create a variable so commands do not need to be changed. Change <user> to the new one

    Usually users have the email, e.g: lucas.mannherz

    1export NEW_USER="<user>"
  2. Add the user

    1sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash $NEW_USER
  3. Add users public SSH key so login is possible

    You need the users public ssh key here and insert it into the placeholder.

    1sudo mkdir -p /home/$NEW_USER/.ssh && sudo touch /home/$NEW_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys
    2sudo chmod 700 /home/$NEW_USER/.ssh && sudo chmod 600 /home/$NEW_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys
    3sudo chown -R $NEW_USER /home/$NEW_USER/.ssh
    4echo "<ssh_public_key>" | sudo tee -a /home/$NEW_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys
  4. Yank users password (they are not supposed to use sudo or login with a password)

    1sudo passwd -d $NEW_USER
  5. Install rootless-docker

    1sudo systemd-run --no-ask-password --system --scope su $NEW_USER \
    2    <<< "/usr/bin/ install"
  6. Add docker socket location to bash environment

    1echo 'export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///run/user/$(id -u $USER)/docker.sock' \
    2    | sudo tee -a /home/$NEW_USER/.bashrc
  7. You should now be able to use docker as you are used to as the user.

Future todos/possibilities

  • Enable lingering for users so docker container can continue running without the user being logged in. This is required to make rootless-docker behave like the normal rootfull docker daemon. Only do this if we have usecases which require this behavior.

  • Enable lingering for loginctl: /etc/systemd/logind.conf change “KillUserProcesses” to “no”

  • Automate setup and maintenance with ansible

  • Figure out quota (important because rootless-docker uses up space for each user)

Azure runner

By executing pipelines in the local network at the target location, no VPN is needed for the pipeline and a better latency can be achieved. Select the runner you want to use in Azure DevOps, and the pipeline will run in the local network.

Keep in mind that this runner is not hosted in the cloud, so the availability, reliability and speed might be reduced.


THE HUB is the central entry and management point for our testlab. It provides an overview about the hosted services.

THE HUB entry page

THE HUB is being hosted on the Pipelineagent Dahlewitz VM. Everything is hosted via containers and the full stack looks as follows:

Two compose files are being used to provide a basic hosting setup, which gets maintained via portainer and a proxy later:

  1. Basic web infrastructure (User: si)

    1. Heimdall (Entry page THE HUB)

    2. Proxy Manager

    docker-compose for web services
     2  heimdall:
     3    image:
     4    container_name: heimdall
     5    environment:
     6      - PUID=1000
     7      - PGID=1000
     8      - TZ=Etc/UTC
     9    volumes:
    10      - /home/infrastructure/docker-compose/heimdall/config:/config
    11    ports:
    12      - 8080:80
    13    restart: unless-stopped
    14  app:
    15    image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest'
    16    restart: unless-stopped
    17    volumes:
    18      - ./proxy/data:/data
    19      - ./proxy/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt
    20    network_mode: host
  2. Portainer (User: inventory)

    docker-compose for portainer
     3    image: portainer/portainer-ce:latest
     4    volumes:
     5    - portainer:/data
     6    - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
     7    ports:
     8    - "8000:8000"
     9    - "9000:9000"
    10    - "9443:9443"
    11    restart: unless-stopped

All other features are being maintained via the Proxy Manager and Portainer.

If you want to add another service to the lab, simply go to the portainer. There you can manage all other running containers and create a new one:

Portainer: Adding a container

Or, like the inventory, a new stack (just a docker-compise file)

Portainer: Adding a stack (docker-compose)

Reverse Proxy

The Proxy Manager is used to easily manage access to the services. Services are provided on different ports on the host machine, and the proxy serves them depending on the called sub-domain.

Therefore, the complete typical way to visit the hub can look like this:

  1. Look up DNS in our Azure DNS zone

  2. Connect to the IP in the entry

  3. This IP is the Host, and port 443 is being served by the proxy

  4. Depending on the sub-domain (e.g the service on the respective port gets forwarded

  5. You hopefully see the resource you wanted to access

In our Azure DNS zone is a wildcard entry: * This entry points to the Host IP of THE HUB Host if no further specified entry is available such as a testbench.


Specifying an unkown subdomain such as will redirect you to This is a setting in the reverse proxy.


We use a wildcard lets-encrypt certificate on the Proxy Manager. The certificate is valid for * The PR where the entry was added to the Terraform project can be found here.

This certificate can be enabled on the reverse proxy for each proxy connection:

Nginx: Add SSL

That way, all services are secured (until the reverse proxy) with SSL. Our inventory service uses the Microsoft login, and this one requires HTTPS, which is working with this solution.